August 28, 2017

Online Help

Online help has been set up as a basic tool for the users of the Carter County Register of Deeds web site. The site was designed to be very user friendly, but if you should have questions concerning any of its content please let us know.

There are several ways in which you can search for a document on our site. Read through the How To Search link to see which search options will suit you best. The majority of users will use the Search By Name option.

If you are having a problem viewing documents or printing them, click on the Printing and Viewing Problems link to left of this page. This will give you some basic information on how your computer will best view images on this site. We have not had a user that could not correct their viewing or printing problems by using the solutions provided. If you should continue to have problems after reading the Printing and Viewing Problems information, feel free to contact our office or email us. You may have to contact your IT department or program consultant.

The Glossary of Terms covers most of the document types that our office records. Each type is defined so that the user will know what the document type means. The glossary includes some legal words or phrases that are within legal documents and defines them for you.